
Becky Greubel


You (Collectively)


You (collectively) is an online space to encourage critical thinking about how we define ourselves. As you visit the page each day, you are asked a new, thought-provoking question, aiming to encourage deeper thought about how you think about yourself and others. Your response is added to a collective poem of sorts, bringing together each of our individual feelings, thoughts and responses to create an unexpected snapshot of our collective well-being and sense of self. You can explore past responses to these questions by looking through the archive. The questions, though not easy to answer, are critical as each of us learns more about who we are and our inner selves. As you read through others responses, I hope you find peace while resonating with others you may have never met.

The colors, a mix of muted and bright tones, aims to create a serious yet welcoming space. Each response, when submitted, is given it's own color, so that it is still distinct yet fluid with the other responses. The typography reinforces this welcoming atmosphere. Steinbeck, from Temporary State type foundry, is a quirky yet legible sans-serif, meshing well with Panama, also from Temporary State type foundry, a serif with a documentarian feel.